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July 4 – 7 Mellish North Gregory River

July 7, 2020 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Where eagles dare!

Today’s drive was all about wedge tail eagles. Surprisingly, we saw five or six, all feeding on roadkill and all leaving their departures quite late, one went over the windscreen and was enormous in size! I was sure that we would hit it! Unfortunately it all happened too fast to grab a photo!

Stopped in at Gregory Downs to see if the locals had any idea re the opening of the Burke Shire and Boodjamulla – unfortunately they were as ignorant as us. Cute pub though! Image description

Mellish north is approximately 27 kms down Camooweal Rd from Gregory Downs and then 4/5 kilometres to the west down a dirt track that deteriorates the further you drive along it. Maureen had a great time picking lines, avoiding erosion pits and finally down very rough declines.

We are camped in a stoney river bed, with the Gregory river quietly weaving its way through weeping paperbark and pandanus palms. The water is crystal clear reflecting the blue of the skies and the green of the vegetation. Really a gorgeous outlook! Apparently the river is fed by some springs further upstream and further on in its journey to the coast it almost dries up completely, hence the lack of saltwater crocodiles in this section. On sunset the bird activity increases as does the number of animals coming down for a drink. It reminds me very much of the campsites we had in the Territory along the Reynolds river in the 80’s.

Sometimes, I think we need places like this – calm, peaceful, providing solitude, away from the bustle of life – listening to the sounds of the world. Appreciating nature, sunrise and sunset, wind in the trees, birds chirping, water flowing by, giving time to sit, think and reflect upon what is important in life.

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Boodjamulla, spinifex grass, red dirt, dry harsh land – red cliffs, inviting large blue lagoons, pandanus lined waterfalls! Unfortunately, for us it is not opening until Friday but it is now on the bucket list for a future stay. The camping area in the National park is well organised but bookings need to be made in advance. I would highly recommend it!


The travelling Tooheys are off on an adventure.